House Of Influence is super proud to be leading the way in the global campaign to change the way we measure success on social media, and bring recognition to the power of good influence. For some time now, we have been taught to measure the success of influencers and their content, by their level of reach and their engagement; but what we have failed the recognise, is the importance of the social impact of the content, once it has reached and engaged the audience.
‘Good Influence’ is the positive social impact of social media leaders on their audience, through their conscious and responsible content.
Our content has the potential to make all the difference. And so if this ‘difference’ creates a positive influence, It’s time we highlighted, acknowledged and nurtured the efforts of the digital leaders behind the ‘Good Influence’
The future success of Social Media leaders is rooted in Accountability; Accountability Of Performance, which relates to Reach and Engagement, but also the Accountability Of Positive Social Impact. This can be measured by using AI to provide a “Good Influence Rating” on content being shared.
Technology has been quick to establish methods in measuring the reach of content creators, and how efficient they are in communicating to their audience. House Of Influence [and all our influencer and brand partners] believe that now it’s time to also measure HOW content is effecting an audience.
Just as we have acknowledged that each of us have a ‘Carbon Footprint’ which affects our environment, we must also acknowledge that each of us have a ‘Content Footprint’ which also affects our environment, and the people in it. By becoming more conscious of our ‘Content Social Responsibility and measuring ‘Good Influence’, we can achieve huge progress in the way we interact with both our physical and now digitally environment.
Content Social Responsibility, value markers: Ten key areas have been highlighted as the drivers of positive social impact. The Good Influence Project and our growing list of supporting brands and influencer partner, are working together to bring recognition to those digital leaders, who’s content is contributing to these ten areas.
1. Education & Learning
2. Equality
3. Family
4. Body Positivity
5. Community & Unity
6. Fitness
7. Wellness
8. Sustainability
9. Creativity
10. Charity
Our support for the project continues to grow as brands, public figures and Social Media leaders realise the importance of ‘Good Influence’. If you would like to join us in this global project of redefining content with responsible social media leadership, sign up free, below. Alternatively emails us at [email protected] with your enquiries about the project. We look forward to hearing from you