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Gi Creator Full Name: Hayley Madigan

Good Influence Summary (why we recommend/love her/him): Hayley is a fitness influencer who aims to help women find their body confidence and support their mental and physical health. She often uses her platform to post side-by-side images showing how different our bodies can look in different lighting, outfits, and angles. She is leading the way to show the reality behind the ‘perfect’ pictures we see online and encourages us to not fall for the illusions of insta posts.

Topic Specialisms: Fitness // Body Positivity // Mental Health

Country: UK

Number of followers: Insta – 486k // YouTube - 2.08k

Charity partnerships: n/a

Brand partnerships: @fableticseu @bulk

Agency Representation: 84 World

Insta Blue Tick Approved:

HOI Gi Authenticated category: Macro Gi creator

Presence outside of Social Media:

HOI Published articles: n/a