Kayleigh on the podcast and how it came about:
I love to talk! I am a very socially anxious person but in a small group or with close friends, I find human beings fascinating and I can talk to people 24/7. Myself and Jess worked together twice in Autumn 2021 and I found us quite often having very deep and meaningful conversations around past trauma, childhoods and mindfulness. This led me to ask Jess if she would be interested in partnering up to create a podcast, the rest is history. In honesty, recording the podcast each week is one of my favourite things to do! Myself & Jess both work in a fast-paced industry so also when you make friendships. While working they can be hard to sustain, getting to sit down each week and really focus on important topics and checking in on one another is so fulfilling and I love it! My main goal is to continue creating a platform that has a catalogue of episodes available to people in times of need. Whether that’s to feel part of a female conversation, to discuss the male species, therapy or mindfulness. The end goal would be to continue building a community to open discussions around stigmatised issues and create a safe space for everyone.
Kayleigh on starting her production company, Raspberry films:
I founded my production company in 2019 because I really wanted to bridge the gap between independent filmmakers and mainstream media. I had so many talented friends who couldn’t quite get their ‘first breaks’. I was lucky enough to get a few high-profile jobs and I couldn’t understand why the industry worked how it did. This made me really think carefully about how I see myself within the industry. I decided I wanted to be a part of change and help independent and first-time filmmakers in producing and distributing their work.
Kayleigh on coping with challenges:
Ah, where do I start! No, honestly every profession has their hardships and this industry doesn’t tread lightly on your mental health or mindset. However, I love what I do and have found different ways to help deal with those difficult hurdles. Mainly, finding the balance between home and work. Leaving emails unread and taking time out.
Kayleigh on being named in Forbes, 30 under 30:
Unbelievable! I still can’t express the gratitude I have for the expert judges, researches and everyone at Forbes. To be marked as a game changer within the field is mind blowing and really cements myself and my company in what we are trying to achieve. This gives me hope and even more commitment to continue what I am doing.
Kayleigh’s advice:
Stop comparing yourself to others! It sounds simple but is so difficult. With the rise of social media, it’s become so easy to be aware and see the best elements of others lives. Especially other creatives in your industry, this leads to comparison and more often than not negative thoughts. Breathe, take a step back and note down all of your achievements and how far you have come. You are on your own journey, don’t spend it constantly looking over your shoulder at others.
Artwork by Jermaine Pennant